See What Makes Plasmonic Diagnostics Different
Faster Detection
Our technology speeds up the time-to-detection through intrinsic signal amplification, reduced scattering, high signal-to-noise ratio, and directional emission.
The sensitivity of P-GRAT is three orders of magnitude lower than commercially available ELISA kits.
Low Cost
Our simplified design excludes expensive optics, lasers, and lenses by using 3D-printed parts and a smartphone camera as the detector.
Our Team

Syed Barizuddin, Ph.D.
Chief Executive Officer
Syed Barizuddin, Ph.D. is the CEO of Plasmonic Diagnostics and the Principal Investigator on a current SBIR award. He has over 10 years of experience working in the field of medical diagnostics and over 20 publications in this field. He has worked both in the academia and industry. Syed has significant expertise in biosensors and diagnostic systems. Other experience includes working on research and development of high-throughput devices to detect biomarkers for infectious diseases, afflictions like Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s and pathogens. He has filed 5 patents with 3 already been issued. Syed is also an expert in the fabrication of microfluidics and micro-fabrication devices, which enable usage of samples in minimal quantities during the detection process.

Sangho Bok, Ph.D.
Chief Technology Officer
Sangho Bok, Ph.D. is the CTO of Plasmonic Diagnostics, and an assistant professor of engineering at Southern Utah University. Previously, he was a senior research scientist at Nanos Technologies, LLC. He brings significant expertise to the table related to the grating technology, nanotechnology, immunoassays, and miniaturized optical systems. Dr. Bok has submitted several US and international patents on nanotechnology and grating techniques and published many journal articles in the area of biomedical diagnostic assays and nanotechnology. He has presented his research on Tuberculosis in several conferences. He also has expertise in botulinum neurotoxin sensors as well as cortisol sensors. Dr. Bok also has experience working as a key member of a start-up company and is an expert at navigating the day-to-day research and development pace for successfully contributing to the project.

Charles M (Chase) Darr, Ph.D
Director of Operations
Charles M (Chase) Darr, Ph.D. is the Director of Operations. He has a multidisciplinary background integrating research in the areas of nanomaterials, plasmonics, and fluorescence for chem/bio sensor applications. His prior work includes development of high-surface-area thin films for biosensors, dye-doped nanoparticles to improve signal-to-noise ratio in fluorescent biosensor systems, and a plasmonic-enhanced chemosensor to detect nitroaromatics that utilized a plasmonic grating platform similar to that licensed by Plasmonic Diagnostics, LLC. Chase has multiple publications from this work with more in the pipeline, several of which are directly related to applications of the plasmonic grating platform. Other significant experience includes programming and instrumentation.
Advisory Committee
William Salzer, MD
Dr. Salzer is an American Board of IM – Infectious Disease physician with 30 years of clinical and research experience. He is an expert in infectious diseases, HIV and immunology. He is a recipient of many awards that included him elected him amongst the “Best Doctors in America® 2009-2010” and inclusion in “The Global Directory of Who’s Who” as a TOP DOCTOR to represent Columbia, MO.
Nabila Afsar, MD
Dr. Afsar is an Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology, Deccan College of Medical Sciences, Hyderabad, India. She is also a Consultant Pathologist for various pathology labs with a high turn-over of patients that work on diagnosis of pathological and microbiological tests for various infectious diseases. She has extensive knowledge working in low-resource settings and high-burden infectious disease areas. She has many international publications to her credit.
Fatima Naseer, MD
Dr. Naseer is a multiple American Board-Certified physician with 15 years of experience with child and adolescent patients in low resource and rural settings. She has extensive in-patient and clinical experience. She also works with populations who are addicted to intoxicants and drugs making them susceptible potential infection of HIV and infectious disease.
The Right Choice
Our plasmonic grating (P-GRAT) technology offers a a low-cost solution for tuberculosis diagnostics. We are here to help and are happy to answer any questions you may have.
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